
Mr. Crestani Sebastiano Flavio began his activity as a stonemason in 1956. Soon he devoted himself to the extraction of the local stone and soon became the owner of a quarry of his own.

Foto di Crestani Flavio
Foto di un macchinario in Cava Marmi Kunken Knotten S.R.L.

The Kunken Knotten SRL company grows and expands with its son Loris and thus confirms itself definitively and still present on Altopiano di Asiago.


The extraction methods of the material in our quarries have evolved over the years. Today, excavators, pneumatic hammers and diamond wire are used to obtain squared or formless blocks directly from their natural place.

Picture of an extraction machine Kunken Knotten S.R.L.
Picture of an extraction machine Kunken Knotten S.R.L.

The use of these modern and sophisticated machinery and equipment guarantees safer, easier and faster work, respecting and protecting the environment.

Once extracted in blocks, half-blocks or shapeless, the material is transported to our warehouse in Asiago. We also have the opportunity to rely on sawmills in the area for the production of slabs with various finishes.

Picture of a Marble Slab Kunken Knotten S.R.L.


Actually the material is extracted in 3 open-air quarries located in Altopiano di Asiago.

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